Beneteau Sail
“I believe we are one of the oldest boat building yards in the world to be run by the family as a majority.”
Annette Roux
The Beneteau Saga
Our history has been told many times in these last fifty years, but, to understand it, you need to grasp our company values, and return to its origins, since it is nothing but continuity and progression.
1884, Benjamin Bénéteau

The fate of Benjamin would be out of the ordinary. Born in St-Gilles into a large family with little means, he was adopted at the age of 6 by one of his uncles, François Houyère. A single man, he passed on his love of the sea, adventure and boats to his adoptive son. However, at the age of 12, Benjamin became ship’s boy on the lugger Eliza. His dream of building boats would begin on the boatyard of his best friend’s father. His determination would convince his uncle, and he would enter Rochefort towards end 1879 for his military service.
It’s near the bridge, on Quai des Greniers, that our grandfather created his boatyard in 1884, on which, of course, figured his name: BÉNÉTEAU.
At the time, boats were called luggers, dundees, and smacks, all with sails of course, but for these fishing boats, performance was judged by who got back to harbour first, since the first there would sell his fish at the best price. For this reason and many others afterwards, this search for performance would remain central to architects and builders, leading them to surpass themselves; never satisfied, and constantly innovating.
In 1909, the approach of the engine had sounded and, whatever the cost and consequences, he would design the first engine-powered fishing boat in the region.
Our Sail Boats
Figaro Beneteau 3 First Oceanis Oceanis Yacht